You will die a horribly annoying death in lava. Trust me it has happened AAAAHHHH just thinking about it makes me feel the sad sense of never seeing your fortune III pickaxe again.
Just don't do it, it's waist of, well whatever you happen to have in your pockets ( I have a lot of stuff in my pockets every time I make the unspoken mistake.) Conclusion; DON'T DO IT!!
This is also a bad idea. Swimming in lava is not all that it is cut out to be. I mean the jump is exhilarating but, the swim, well the swim is a little bit painful, just a wee bit. just too the point of a slow wincing simmer (at least thats what you feel when you get the heat waves as your falling) and then, tk tk tk tk tk tk tk (The sound of Minecraft® damage.) and you are... DEAD.
yeah pretty much not a good idea.
Conclusion; DON'T DO IT!!
It's valuable, not trash it looks like a blue diamond but it's really a turquoise diamond. I mean is the satisfying sizzle of the lava eating your diamonds really worth it ? I guess not, but maybe I should throw dirt into the lava yah-hoo sizzle sizzle sizzle... two hours later, "I'm out of dirt!" (I have a lot of dirt because my bases are always underground). Sorry I got carried away, anyways this is obviously something you shouldn't do, not even with dirt. DON'T do it!!!
Come back next time to hear me talk about this.
This is a post for the Monday Middle and High School linkup.
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